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Hailing from the heart of Berlin, I’ve always been called to the creative arts from a young age. I studied different disciplines like communication design, photography and contemporary dance. Although I was always my own boss and loved my job, I got to a point in my career where I grew unsettled and unsure about what I was striving for. I questioned myself on the importance of my artistic practices and soon identified the innate need to find more meaning and joyfull expansion in my life. 

During a ‘dark night of the soul’, my quest for spirituality and understanding of consciousness deepend. I dove into philosophical literature and came across Michael A. Singer’s ‘Surrender’ experiment from which I adopted a fresh outlook based on trusting life’s natural ebbs and flows. Shortly after, I booked a flight to Kathmandu and made my way to the Himalayan Mountains to attend a singing bowl training.
This was by far the most illuminating, healing journey for me. As it was where I discovered the sheer power of sound healing through tibetan singing bowls and witnessed the the activation of the self-healing abilities in the body. 

I returned to Germany with a newfound fascination for vibrational medicine through chanting, singing and singing bowls.

During the last years I learned about more sonic ways to heal and grow and added crystal bowls and a gong to my toolbox.

It is my personal mission to share these gifts in 1:1 sessions and group settings around the world through my personal brands and Santulana Retreats. 

“The theory and practice of sound healing has been a constant source of inspiration as well as a tremendous asset to my personal journey ever since.” -




Singing bowls will retune your body to its opitmal frequency of 62-70 Hz*. Our energy body has many energy centers - chakras being one of them with the seven main chakras going from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Every chakra rotates at its own sped, has its own color/vibration what means it has its own tune.

The vibration of the chakra bowl will tune the chakra.

A chakra singing bowl massage will align your engery centers and bring you back to your own optimal vibration. Prana, Chi, life force energy can flow freely again and your body can deeply heal itself on many levels. The sounds will change your brainwave frequency and you`ll relax - your parasympathetic nervous system activates, which helps you to regenerate and to restore your energy.
So you will benefit from the session in multiple ways. I believe in the selfhealing abilities of our bodies and it makes me happy if I can assist you to center and balance yourself so you can be vibrant, healthy, connect with your true essence and stand in your power.

*Bruce Tainio, developer of Tainio Technology, found that a healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz, and when your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when the disease starts.


Singing bowls also known as Himalayan bowls, Tibetan bowls, DhoniPatra (sound,vessel) and suzu gongs are used for meditation, healing and religious purposes, sound yoga and sound meditations with chanting. They create music that has great healing power and has been used since ancient times. Singing bowls are said to be in practice for more than 2500 years. They were especially practiced in the "Bön" tradition. Through gentle hitting and striking of the sides and rims of a singing bowl it vibrates and the vibration can be heard and felt. These vibrations balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy of the body.
According to the ancient theory recorded 15000 years ago and to quantum physics everything in this universe is in a state of vibration, from the nucleus of an atom, to planets spinning around sun in our galaxy and in distant galaxies. lf it is vibrating then it is emitting a sound.



“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,

think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration*."


*Vibration refers to the oscillating and vibrating movement of atoms and particles caused by energy.

Everything is made of microscopic vibrating atoms that receive, store, and emit energy.



Brainwave entrainment is a method to stimulate the brain into entering a specific state by using pulsing sound, light or electromagnetic field. The brain meditates our perception, every wave of our emotion, all thoughts, every sensation we have corresponds to activities in the brain. The brain drives our central nervous system, our emotional balance, the ability to pay attention and more. Different traditional eastern methods like yoga, meditation, music, chanting and sound can change our brainwaves to become more balanced. The sounds and vibrations from the singing bowls entrain our brain to move into the state of Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves. It balances our physical, mental and emotional state while inducing deep relaxation, yet with feeling clarity of the mind and deep knowing.


“After water, cacao is the single healthiest substance you can put in your mouth. It can easily replace a number of psychiatric drugs for mood, plus it produces the same chemistry in the brain that occurs when we fall in love."


Chris Kilham


Why add cacao to your singing bowl session?

I believe in combining multiple techniques and entities to create a greater impact, a magical experience and stronger healing. Caco is a sacred plant-medicine that opens the heart center. It is rich in magnesium and zinc which will help you to relax. It also increases the blood and oxygen flow to the brain and it induces the release of endorphins and dopamine, our feel-good hormones. Since ancient times cacao has been used as a medicine to heal physical, mental and spiritual illnesses. Cacao has been shown to boost the immune system and lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as leading to euphoria and deeper spiritual connection.

The medicine works specifically by bringing us back to the feeling of love, oneness and connection. We can turn into our authentic selves and are able to listen to the deepest callings of our heart. We can tap into our higher self and the profound wisdom within.

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